“Occupation breeds terror”

Seth Freedman: Occupation breeds terror

The unspoken truth that every Israeli knows, uncomfortable as it may be to admit, is that occupation breeds terror. Every incursion, every raid, every curfew and collective punishment, drives the moderates into the welcoming arms of the militants, who promise to return their honour and their wounded pride by fighting the oppressors’ fire with fire of their own. And that fact alone should be enough to shake Israelis awake and realise that the occupation has to end, as much for our own security as for the sake of the Palestinians that we’re subjugating.

Niets is zo sterk als een Israëlische ex-soldaat die vertelt wat de gevolgen zijn van de bezetting. Dus ik citeer gewoon twee stukken.

The occupation is illegal, it is abhorrent, and it is utterly counterproductive if its aim is to bring security to Israelis. Anyone who ventures into the Palestinian towns and cities, who witnesses the devastation for themselves and hears the tragic tales from the horse’s mouth, knows this. And anyone who prefers to cover their ears or avert their eyes is only doing damage to both sides in the long run. Israel will never have peace whilst it crushes Palestinian aspirations – and both sides deserve far better lives than those they are being forced to endure at present.

Over Michel

Michel Klijmij is gemeenteraadslid voor GroenLinks Gouda, (co-)woordvoerder milieu, veiligheid, bouwen & wonen, ruimtelijke ordening, voorzitter A-onderwerp Armoedebeleid. Michel Klijmij woont al zijn hele leven in Gouda en houdt van hobby's. Dat zijn klooien met computers, radiomaken en politiek. Op dit weblog publiceert hij alles wat hij vindt dat de wereld moet horen.
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